
Rollatini melanzana

Rollatini melanzana
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Eggplant Rollatini: Is an Italian-style dish (called rollatini di melanzane in faux Italian) that is usually made with thin slices of eggplant, which are dusted in wheat flour or lightly breaded and covered with ricotta and often other cheeses and seasonings, then rolled up and baked. Rollatini melanzana Print Recipe Eggplant Rollatini CuisineItalian Servings Prep
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Parmigiano di pollo

Parmigiano di pollo
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Chicken Parmesan: The dish is claimed by both Campania and Sicily. While “parmigiana” usually means “from Parma” (in Northern Italy), the dish is not part of the cuisine of Parma. It is a Southern Italian dish. Parmigiano di pollo Print Recipe Chicken Parmesan CuisineItalian Servings Prep Time 6 People 30 Minutes Cook Time 15 Minutes
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Manzo e maiale salsa

Manzo e maiale salsa
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Sauce with Meatballs, Sausage, and Pork: Italian-American “Sunday sauce or gravy”, the primary difference being the addition of a greater variety of meat in the American version, most famously meatballs (hence spaghetti and meatballs), braciole, sausage, and pork chops. There is great variety in the Sunday meat sauce that is passed down from generation to
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Penne alla vodka

Penne alla vodka
Posted in : Primi Piatti on by : plessc
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Penne alla Vodka: The exact origins of penne alla vodka are unclear; there have been multiple claims to the invention of the dish. Penne alla vodka is an Italian-American pasta dish always made with vodka and penne pasta, often made with heavy cream, onions, and sometimes prosciutto, ham, pancetta, or bacon. Penne alla vodka Print
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