
Pollo con broccoli

Pollo con broccoli
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Chicken with Broccoli: The dish is made by lightly sauteeing minced or pressed garlic chicken and broccoli in olive oil, sometimes with the addition of dried red chili flakes, and tossing with spaghetti. Finely chopped parsley can also be added as a garnish, along with grated parmesan or pecorino cheese, although according to some traditional
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Manzo e maiale salsa

Manzo e maiale salsa
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Sauce with Meatballs, Sausage, and Pork: Italian-American “Sunday sauce or gravy”, the primary difference being the addition of a greater variety of meat in the American version, most famously meatballs (hence spaghetti and meatballs), braciole, sausage, and pork chops. There is great variety in the Sunday meat sauce that is passed down from generation to
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Linguini con vongole (bianco)

Linguini con vongole (bianco)
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Linguini with White Clam Sauce: is a dish that is very popular throughout Italy, especially its central regions, including Rome and further south in Campania (where it is part of traditional Neapolitan cuisine).   Linguini con vongole (bianco) Print Recipe Linguini with White Clam Sauce CuisineItalian Servings Prep Time 4 People 30 Minutes Cook Time
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Torte di granchio

Torte di granchio
Posted in : Primi Piatti on by : plessc
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Crab Cakes: Crab cakes are popular along the coast of the Mid-Atlantic States, New England, the Gulf Coast, the Pacific Northwest, and the Northern California coast, where the crabbing industry thrives. Meat from any species of crab may be used, although the meat of the blue crab, whose native habitat includes the Chesapeake Bay is
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