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Piccata pollo

Piccata pollo
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Chicken Piccata: Is a traditional Italian dish made of chicken, a tart sauce, lemon juice, white wine, and capers. Piccata pollo Print Recipe Chicken Piccata CuisineItalian Servings Prep Time 4 People 15 Minutes Cook Time 15 Minutes Servings Prep Time 4 People 15 Minutes Cook Time 15 Minutes Piccata pollo Print Recipe Chicken Piccata CuisineItalian
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Pasta con sugo di carne

Pasta con sugo di carne
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Pasta with Meat Sauce: You may grow old, even doddering, but if you know how to make a good meat sauce, or sugo, people will still beat a path to your door. Pasta con sugo di carne Print Recipe Pasta with Meat Sauce CuisineItalian Servings Prep Time 4 People 15 Minutes Cook Time 20 Minutes
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Parmigiano di pollo

Parmigiano di pollo
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Chicken Parmesan: The dish is claimed by both Campania and Sicily. While “parmigiana” usually means “from Parma” (in Northern Italy), the dish is not part of the cuisine of Parma. It is a Southern Italian dish. Parmigiano di pollo Print Recipe Chicken Parmesan CuisineItalian Servings Prep Time 6 People 30 Minutes Cook Time 15 Minutes
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Linguini con vongole (bianco)

Linguini con vongole (bianco)
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Linguini with White Clam Sauce: is a dish that is very popular throughout Italy, especially its central regions, including Rome and further south in Campania (where it is part of traditional Neapolitan cuisine).   Linguini con vongole (bianco) Print Recipe Linguini with White Clam Sauce CuisineItalian Servings Prep Time 4 People 30 Minutes Cook Time
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Linguine ai frutti di mare

Linguine ai frutti di mare
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Linguine and Seafood: Frutti di Mare translates to fruits of the sea and boy is this dish full of fruits from the sea. It has almost all of my favorite seafood: Mussels, Clams, Scallops, Shrimp, Squid. Linguine ai frutti di mare Print Recipe Linguine and Seafood CuisineItalian Servings Prep Time 4 People 45 Minutes Cook
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