

Posted in : Dolci on by : plessc
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Venetians or Rainbow Cookies: Italian flag variation – A particular variety of this confection, known primarily by various regional names listed below, is with layers of brightly colored, almond-based sponge cake, apricot and/or raspberry jam, and a chocolate coating. Venetians Print Recipe Rainbow cookies or tri-colored CuisineItalian Servings Prep Time 12 People 2 hours Cook
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Ripieno cannoli e conchiglie

Ripieno cannoli e conchiglie
Posted in : Dolci on by : plessc

Cannoli: Sicilian pastry desserts. The singular is cannolo (or in the Sicilian language cannolu, plural cannula), meaning “little tube”, with the etymology stemming from the Arabic “Qanawat”. Cannoli originated in Sicily in Piana degli Albanesi and are a staple of Sicilian cuisine. They are also popular in Italian-American cuisine. In Italy, they are commonly known
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