

Posted in : Antipasti on by : plessc Tags: ,

Braciole: Braciole are simply thin slices of beef pan-fried in their own juice, tomato sauce (gravy), or in a small amount of light olive oil. What are known as braciole in the United States are named involtini in Italian cuisine outside of braciole’s traditional areas of origin in Southern Italy because braciole just means “slices of meat” in the rest of the country.

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Servings Prep Time
6 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
6 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Need thin round steak lay flat and pound to stretch.
  2. Dice onion then sauté in olive oil until lightly brown.
  3. Add bread crumbs about 1 cup plain or seasoned add cheese, parsley salt & pepper to taste to pan with onion.
  4. Once all bread crumbs and onions are sauté, let cool down and add to the thin meat. Add on top of bread crumbs salami and hard boiled egg sliced. See picture for an example of lay out.
  5. Roll meat making sure the stuffing doesn't fall out the side. You can use tooth picks to hold it together or tie it with string.
  6. Brown on all side of the meat (about 8-10 min).
  7. Once brown on all sides, you are done, just add your sauce (see sauce with meat recipe). Cut into 1/2 inch slices.
Recipe Notes


Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1/6 of a recipe (11.9 ounces).

Percent daily values based on the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for a 2000 calorie diet.

Nutrition information calculated from recipe ingredients.

Amount Per Serving



Calories From Fat (72%)


% Daily Value

Total Fat 50.33g


Saturated Fat 10.45g


Cholesterol 113.11mg


Sodium 1333.2mg


Potassium 853.62mg


Total Carbohydrates 25.88g


Fiber 4.09g


Sugar 9.7g

Protein 19.61g



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