HomeRecipeSalsiccia con peperoni

Salsiccia con peperoni

Posted in : Primi Piatti on by : plessc Tags: ,

Sausage and Peppers: This hearty Italian sausage sandwich is traditional Italian fest fare. In New York, many churches and community centers would have street fairs or bazaars and you could usually find Italian Sausage sandwiches there. They were usually link sausages on buns piled high with grilled onions and peppers you could smell them for miles.

Salsiccia con peperoni
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Sausage and Peppers
Servings Prep Time
2 People 15 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 People 15 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Salsiccia con peperoni
Print Recipe
Sausage and Peppers
Servings Prep Time
2 People 15 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 People 15 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Sauté your peppers in a sauté pan first on medium to low heat.
  2. Add your onions and sauté medium to low heat. You want to caramelize the onions with your peppers. Make sure you do not burn.
  3. Add your sausage and cook medium to low heat.
  4. Once the sausage is cooked, you can add your peppers, onions and sausage to your bread.
Recipe Notes


Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1/2 of a recipe (18.5 ounces).

Percent daily values based on the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for a 2000 calorie diet.

Nutrition information calculated from recipe ingredients.

Amount Per Serving



Calories From Fat (80%)


% Daily Value

Total Fat 98.77g


Saturated Fat 19.63g


Cholesterol 181.19mg


Sodium 1625.56mg


Potassium 430.46mg


Total Carbohydrates 19.71g


Fiber 4.23g


Sugar 8.98g

Protein 36.56g


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