HomeRecipeVeal cotoletta scallapini

Veal cotoletta scallapini

Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc Tags:

Veal Scallapini: Is an Italian dish consisting of thinly sliced veal. This dish was very popular in the 1980’s and was in most restaurants.

Veal cotoletta scallapini
Print Recipe
Veal Scallapini
Servings Prep Time
4 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Veal cotoletta scallapini
Print Recipe
Veal Scallapini
Servings Prep Time
4 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 People 30 Minutes
Cook Time
30 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Cut veal cutlets into small pieces and flour.
  2. Sauté veal cutlets in olive oil.
  3. Look for good consistency. Meat is usually ready when tender.
  4. Add mushrooms and can of tomato paste. Add salt, pepper water and sherry, stir in. Cool on low for 45 minutes to an hour. A light simmer. Stirring and checking occasionally. If sauce becomes too thick and equal amounts of water and sherry.
  5. Pour Sauce on veal and serve. Optional: Serve with rice or risotto.
Recipe Notes


Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1/4 of a recipe (8.1 ounces).

Percent daily values based on the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for a 2000 calorie diet.

Nutrition information calculated from recipe ingredients.

Amount Per Serving



Calories From Fat (12%)


% Daily Value

Total Fat 3.87g


Saturated Fat 1.4g


Cholesterol 88.45mg


Sodium 118.49mg


Potassium 533.24mg


Total Carbohydrates 27.52g


Fiber 1.15g


Sugar 1.03g

Protein 27.53g


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