HomeRecipeVongole al vapore

Vongole al vapore

Posted in : Contorni on by : plessc Tags:

Steamed Clams: This is a classic summer dish. Steamed clams can also be steamed with beer or wine instead of water. This can add a different flavor to the clams.

Vongole al vapore
Print Recipe
Steamed Clams
Servings Prep Time
6 People 10 Minutes
Cook Time
10 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 People 10 Minutes
Cook Time
10 Minutes
Vongole al vapore
Print Recipe
Steamed Clams
Servings Prep Time
6 People 10 Minutes
Cook Time
10 Minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 People 10 Minutes
Cook Time
10 Minutes
Servings: People
  1. Wash the clams thoroughly and remove any blemishes. The clams should have no odor.
  2. Boil water and steam clams until all clams are opened. If some clams do not open, discard them.
  3. Warm butter until melted. Discard any clams that do not open and remove clams to serving bowls.
Recipe Notes


Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1/4 of a recipe (0.5 ounces).

Percent daily values based on the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for a 2000 calorie diet.

Nutrition information calculated from recipe ingredients.

Amount Per Serving



Calories From Fat (99%)


% Daily Value

Total Fat 11.52g


Saturated Fat 7.29g


Cholesterol 30.53mg


Sodium 1.56mg


Potassium 3.41mg


Total Carbohydrates 0.01g


Fiber 0g


Sugar 0.01g

Protein 0.12g


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