Tag : Broccoli rabe

8 July, 2015

Tirato maiale

Tirato maiale
Posted in : Primi Piatti on by : plessc
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Italian Style Pulled Pork: Porchetta [porˈketta] is a savoury, fatty, and moist boneless pork roast of Italian culinary tradition. The body of the pig is gutted, deboned, arranged carefully with layers of stuffing, meat, fat, and skin, then rolled, spitted, and roasted, traditionally over wood. Porchetta is usually heavily salted in addition to being stuffed
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6 July, 2015

Broccoli rabe e Asparagi

Broccoli rabe e Asparagi
Posted in : Contorni on by : plessc
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Brocolli Rabe: Rapini (also known as Broccoli Rabe (or Raap or Raab), Broccoletti, Broccoli di Rape, Cime di Rapa, Rape, Rappi, Friarielli (in Naples) is a common vegetable in the cuisine’s of southern Italy (in particular Basilicata , Puglia, and Sicily), Galicia (northwestern Spain), and China. This is a bitter vegetable but like most good
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