Tag : Eggplant

10 July, 2015

Rollatini melanzana

Rollatini melanzana
Posted in : Secondi Piatti on by : plessc
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Eggplant Rollatini: Is an Italian-style dish (called rollatini di melanzane in faux Italian) that is usually made with thin slices of eggplant, which are dusted in wheat flour or lightly breaded and covered with ricotta and often other cheeses and seasonings, then rolled up and baked. Rollatini melanzana Print Recipe Eggplant Rollatini CuisineItalian Servings Prep
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6 July, 2015


Posted in : Antipasti on by : plessc
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Caponata: Is a Sicilian eggplant (aubergine) dish consisting of a cooked vegetable salad made from chopped fried eggplant and celery seasoned with sweetened vinegar, with capers in a sweet and sour sauce. Caponatina Print Recipe Eggplant Servings Prep Time 4 People 30 Minutes Cook Time 20 Minutes Servings Prep Time 4 People 30 Minutes Cook
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